Fort Vermilion School Division honours long service

On September 20, 2019, Fort Vermilion School Division held their annual “FVSD Awards Ceremony” during a Professional Development Day at High Level Public School.
The long service awards are an important annual recognition at FVSD. This year, more than 80 Fort Vermilion School Division teachers and staff have been recognized for their years of service.
FVSD Superintendent Mike McMann said it was important for the entire organization to come together to celebrate the work done to support children and their education in the area.
“Every person in this organization is really important to me, and I think its the only time where we get together to celebrate that,” he said. “Its the only time we get together to recognize specific groups all in one setting.”
This is the first time the awards were celebrated in this manner.
“We’ve never done it, really,” he said. “This year is the first time we celebrated the awards together as a group, and to take an hour out of our day to recognize the accomplishments of some people – up to forty years – who put in their time, changing the hearts and minds of kids. That’s amazing.”
He said it really speaks to FVSD’s ability to retain their core staff when more than 41 people were recognized for 10 years or more of service – and 13 of those who had put in 25 years or more.
“They are dedicating their whole lives to this business and that is a huge accomplishment,” he said. “Nobody is doing a job for 25 years for just a paycheck.”
And with that dedication comes all the intangible factors that are part of experience.
“That skillset and those skills being passed on - sort of the unwritten curriculum is how we get our organization to survive,” said McMann.
2019 Long Service Award Recipients
Back L to R: Cheri-Lyn Wassing, Mary Ann Teichroeb, Travis Hardy, Nick Gray, Jeff Driedger, Benny Dick, Jill Dyer, Dorothy Krahn, Neil Martin, Leah Martens, Tyler Ross
Middle L to R: Susan Peters, Kaitlyn Fehr, BettyAnn Dick, Allison Chiasson, Janelle Lizotte, Barb Higgins, Emily Cleghorn, Becky Fehr, Samantha Fehr, Megan MacKnight
Front L to R: Carmen Rose, Mindy Sheffield, Nancy Pelley, Pearl Moehling, Kelly Bourgeois, Jane Bengil, Heather Jonson, Melanie Ryan, Amy Scott, Brittany Straub
Missing: Asia Dolling, David Driedger, Susanne Dyck, James Gibson, Laura-Dawn Lefurgey, Melanie MacLean, April Minano, Olivia Nielsen, Tammy Phillips, Vicki Pitre Christopher Rolfe
L to R: Helen Wolfe, Mary Driedger, Emily Archibald, Stephanie Acreman, Gordon Van Patten, Chris Burris, Rachel Dika, Karen Wieler
Back Row L to R: Jeannie Wiebe, Ann Schapansky, Julie Gallant, Amber Paul, Melanie Buhler, Karie Becker
Front Row L to R: Kim Price, Beverly Patmore, Richard Coburn, David Harder, Sean Price
Missing: Annie Neufeld, Karen Smith Tena Teichroeb
L to R: Audrey Randle, Linda Ostrowerka, Willie Penner, Dean Wheeler, Amy Blanchette, Liz Klassen
L to R: Jane Rosenberger, Scot Leys, Cheryl Bueckert
Missing: Cathy Dee Brand, Diane Little
L to R: Susan Richards, Jacob Froese, David Schellenberg, Marilyn Boissy
Missing: Lorna Joch, Margaret Wiebe
Kitty Moulton
George Dyck