School Directory

School Registration

Welcome to the Fort Vermilion School Division!

pencils laying on paper

Below you will find our student registration form. All FVSD schools use the same registration form, please make sure to indicate which school you are registering your child in. 

*NOTE: Continuing students DO NOT need to register each school year, they will automatically be enrolled for the upcoming school year.

NEW this year, families now have the option of completing registration forms online! Required documentation can be directly uploaded with the online form. Click the MyFVSD Student Registration link to complete your child's registration. 

Looking for more information about an FVSD school? Click the link to visit our school directory! For a quick overview of schools and grades served by community, click on the heading "Which school should I register my child in?" further down this page. 

Registration Requirement for ECS to Grade 12

New student registrations MUST include student identification (ie. birth certificate) in order to complete the registration process. Identity documents are REQUIRED prior to the student beginning classes. Foreign born students will also require parent identity and citizenship documents.

Kindergarten Eligibility

Your child MUST be five years old by December 31, 2025 to be enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Click the heading below for a list of acceptable citizenship documents. 

Please make sure to include the following information with your child's registration form:

  • Proof of Identification/Citizenship (one of the following):
    - Canadian Birth Certificate*
    - Status Card from Indian & Northern Affairs Canada
    - Canadian Citizenship Certificate
    - Adoption Certificate
    - Passport
    - Visa 
    - Permanent Resident Documents

  • Proof of Citizenship for Foreign Born Students (one of the following):
    - Canadian Citizenship Card
    - Permanent Resident Card
    - Parent/Guardian Canadian Work Permit
    - Parent/Guardian Canadian Temporary Resident Permit
    - Parent/Guardian Student Study Permit 
    - Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement of Convention of Refugee Claim

  • Alberta Health Care Number

  • Physical Address & Mailing Address
    - Urban Residents please provide your street address
    - Rural Residents please provide your rural 911 address (green road sign)

  • Current Contact Numbers for Parents/Guardians & Emergency Contacts

*Birth Certificate Application Form (download and open in Acrobat if your browser doesn't display the form): AB Application for Birth Documents

For more information on how to apply for an Alberta Birth Certificate please visit the Alberta Government website: Order a Birth Certificate

Not sure which schools are in your community or what grades they serve? Visit our School Directory page for grade level and contact information. Please see below for a quick reference list of FVSD schools and the communities they serve.

High Level:

La Crete:

Rural La Crete Area:

Fort Vermilion & Area

Rainbow Lake

Meander River

Homeschool Provider

Is my child old enough for Kindergarten?

Your child may begin kindergarten in September of