Under the direction of the Associate Superintendent of Learning, this department provides leadership to schools throughout the Fort Vermilion School Division in the following areas:
- Diverse Learning Services
- Early Childhood Services
- English as a Second Language Programming
- Provincial Testing: Accommodations/Excusals
- Professional Learning
- Student Specialized Assessment
- Student Programs
- Student Supports
- Connection Team
- Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Success/Engagement Services
- Success In School for Children and Youth in Care Protocol
Fort Vermilion School Division is committed to providing appropriate educational opportunities for all students in supportive inclusive learning environments. We strive to ensure that all students have a sense of belonging within their classrooms and school community and that all students receive a quality education regardless of their ability, disability, language, cultural background, gender or age.
Learning begins the moment we are born. During the early years, children learn about themselves and the world around them. Their personalities take shape, and they begin to develop the foundations of knowledge that will support them throughout their lives. Rich Early Childhood Programs provide the opportunity for children to begin their learning in developmentally appropriate environments designed to meet the needs of young learners.
Students in the Fort Vermilion School Division are provided Specialized services in the area of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Teacher of Blind, Visually Impaired and a Teacher of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. These services are contacted by specialists outside of our region. |
Success in School for Children & Youth in Care Success in School for Children and Youth in Care is a cross-ministry initiative involving Education and Human Services. Collaboration between the school, home and Child and Family Services, will lead to increased success for children and youth in care.
Associate Superintendent of Learning Office
5213 River Road
Fort Vermilion AB
T0H 1N0
5213 River Road
Fort Vermilion AB
T0H 1N0