When am I ever going to use this? A common question from students in the classroom... and a valid one.
Like any of us, high school students want to know how the time and resources they are expending will benefit them down the road. They want to know how what they are learning in the classroom connects to the "real world".

FVSD's fourth priority, CAREER PATHS, focuses on providing opportunities for students to be exposed to a wide range of occupations and career clusters.
Connecting schools to the real world for students begins with the five "Who Am I" surveys using MyBlueprint.
Starting in grade 7, all FVSD students will create a MyBlueprint Education Planner account to begin developing their personal portfolios and answer the question "Who do I want to be?"
MyBlueprint is a comprehensive education and career/life planning program with the tools students need to make the most informed decisions about their future. Student portfolios are yours to own. Each students controls the creation, content and reflection in their personal portfolio. You will use your portfolio to track their growth, set goals to achieve, and create an individual path to success in your chosen career/life goal.
Your student portfolio is a compilation of skills, talents, and abilities, and is used to identify who you are and what you can do. Portfolios help you to organize proof of your accomplishments both inside and outside of school. They help you show off your skills that make you unique and employable within the community.
Portfolios help students in applying for jobs, scholarships, volunteer positions, or having accessible information they need for applications, attaining university or technical school entrance and, perhaps most importantly, in helping students to reflect upon their values and set priorities in their lives.
A portfolio can be a student’s best marketing tool. A well-developed portfolio and a clear understanding of skills indicate to an employer that a student has good personal management skills.
Counseling Services
All FVSD schools have a high school guidance counselor to help students navigate their high school career and create a plan that aligns with completion requirements and their career aspirations. High school students also have access to District Career Coaches who will encourage self-assessment and career research through MyBlueprint and other tools.
- To be informed and knowledgeable in the structure and operations of the Alberta High School system in reference to graduation requirements
- One-to-one consultation and guidance on programming and course selection on a scheduled basis through their high school experience
- To be assisted in searching out, identifying and exploring careers and employment opportunities they could experience success in
- To be assisted in identifying and researching appropriate training programs or institutions at which they can pursue career and employment opportunities
- To be informed of the requirements for post-secondary acceptance including academic standing, costs of attending, and sources of supportive funding.
- To be informed parents who are functionally knowledgeable in the workings of the Alberta High School system
- To be kept informed of their child’s progress through the graded system
- To receive honest appraisals of their child’s interests, aptitudes and employable skills
- Their children and themselves to be advised on appropriate course routes and selections
- The school to ensure students have programming they can be successful in
- The school will be tracking the student’s progress toward graduation and identifying hindrances
- Their children to be encouraged by counsellors who have a genuine interest in their child’s success
- Their child to have exposure to and guidance in career planning and employment opportunities
- Counsellors will be advocates for the student programming interests
- Schools to foster and teach behavior and skills that lead to employee success. These could include punctuality, ethical behavior, conflict resolution, etc.
- Students will have the basic skills that enable them to be continuous learners
- Schools to advise students and direct them to employment and career opportunities that are within their interest, aptitude and ability levels
- Be knowledgeable in the employment needs of their communities, regions and country
- The school to foster and enhance meaningful relationships with the business and employment sector
- Schools to provide opportunities for students to gain the skills necessary to meet the employment needs of their respective communities.
Career Path Staff
Career Coaches work closely with school-based counselling teams to create opportunities for students to be exposed to a variety of careers, explore their interests, engage in relevant courses and experience work placements as they pertain to career paths.
Coaches provide a number of services from classroom presentations to ongoing discussions with individual students about their career needs, interests, and goals. Students can receive help to develop a high school plan that creates opportunity and in turn, individual success.
A few of the things an FVSD Career Coach can help with:
- encourage self-assessment and career research through My Blueprint and other tools,
- provide opportunities for students to be exposed to a wide range of occupations and career clusters as well as post-secondary institutions and programs,
- work with students to develop a high school plan that aligns with the requirements of a high school diploma (or certificate) and with their future aspirations,
- provide information and coordinate applications, orientations, and textbooks for dual credit courses,
- coach students in researching post-secondary programs and through the application process.
Connect with your FVSD Career Coach to plan your path!