The FVSD has three Success/Engagement Coaches working in the Communities of High Level, Rocky Lane and Fort Vermilion, with key responsibilities being:
- To facilitate and strengthen school engagement for identified students/families;
- To assist students/families with the identification of barriers to success (attendance), provide support and advocacy for those students as they pursue their studies, and explore options for further education and/or career exploration;
- To support students to develop a sense of identity and assist schools in promoting cultural awareness;
- Assist as a Community Liaison between the Fort Vermilion School Division and partner First Nation communities.
Contact information for Success/Engagement Coaches can be found below.
Success/Engagement Coaches
Home School:
Spirit of the North Community School
10801-102 Street, High Level
Home School:
Fort Vermilion Public School / St. Mary's Catholic School
4401-50 Street, Fort Vermilion AB