Parent Council
In keeping with School Board policy, a Parent Council is established early in the school year.
The purpose of this council is to advise the school administration and the Board. Parent Council is comprised of at least nine elected parents, one community member at large, one elected teacher representative and at least one school administrator. The council should also include one student representative.
The purpose of this council is to advise school administration and the Board with respect to general school operational issues. It is not a forum for personal issues specific to individual students or school personnel.
All parents of students at HLPS are encouraged to attend the monthly school council meetings. Parent Council usually meets the third Monday of every month at 7:00pm in the Office Conference Room, we are now going to do the meetings through Zoom calls in order to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines. All parents are welcome to all meetings! Call the school on 780-926-3706 to provide your valid email address to receive a link to the meeting.