Principal's Welcome Message

Welcome to La Crete Public School – Home of the Lancers!!
As a Lancer, you will learn what it takes to:
Leave A Legacy,
Thrive in Community,
Live with Purpose, and
Rise to the Standard principles.
These pillars define who we are and guide us as we strive for excellence in education and personal growth.
Leave A Legacy: Our school's legacy is built on the achievements and contributions of generations of students and faculty who have walked these halls. We honour this rich heritage by preserving traditions and embracing innovation. As a Lancer, you have become a part of this enduring legacy, and we encourage you to leave your own mark for future generations to admire and follow.
Thrive in Community: We believe that a thriving school community is essential for academic success and personal development. As a Lancer you have a place in our community and as such we will work together as students, parents, and faculty to create a positive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive academically and personally.
Live with Purpose: We believe that each Lancer has been gifted with talents, skills, and passions. We encourage our students to discover these passions and pursue their dreams. Our academic program has a variety of courses aimed at challenging and developing each Lancer. Complimenting our academic program is an exciting extracurricular program, where students purposefully develop the skills they need to achieve their goals.
Rise to the Standard: A Lancer maintains high standards in academics, extracurricular and in relationships with others. Rising to the Standard defines what a Lancer does. We are committed to academic excellence and hold our students to the highest standards of achievement and behavior. Our faculty provides guidance and support to ensure that every student rises to the standard and excels in all aspects of their lives.
As we embark on this educational journey together, remember that these four pillars—Legacy, Community, Purpose, and Standard—are not just words on a webpage. They are the values that drive us to be the best we can be, individually and collectively.
Parents are a welcome part of the Lancer community. Please stop by the school to meet with faculty. We have many opportunities for parents to be involved from School Council, Hot Lunch Program, or helping with Extracurricular Activities in Sports, Fine Arts and Student Clubs.
We look forward to an exciting and rewarding school year ahead!
Vanessa Beringer
Principal, La Crete Public School