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UHRS School Handbook

Parent/Student Handbook - 2020-2021


“Our Children, Our Students, Our Future”


School Vision

We believe that students:

  • Will learn in a safe and caring environment in which mutual respect and positive relationships are encouraged
  • Will take responsibility for their education, attend regularly, and strive for excellence in all endeavors
  • Will appreciate the need for life-long learning as part of the process of becoming responsible citizens

We believe that staff:

  • Will act professionally and collaboratively as we treat each other and students with respect 
  • Have an obligation to strive for excellence in program delivery 
  • Share responsibility for developing responsible, well educated students
  • Will be accountable for student achievement results



We believe that learning is a process in which everyone in our school is engaged. As a staff we are committed to continual school improvement that is based on the needs of our students and community.  We believe change based on the best interests of our students is worthwhile. We believe that student achievement in all aspects of the educational experience is of paramount importance and that all members of our learning community have a shared responsibility for student success. 


8:45 AM - Arrival

9:00 AM - Announcements

11:30 AM - Lunch

2:30 PM - Dismissal

*Students receive 30 minutes of DPA daily and 30 minutes of break.  These are scheduled by the classroom teacher.



Office hours are 8:30-3:00 Monday-Friday.


Parking is available for staff and parents, we do ask that you do not block the bus or FIRE lane.


Transportation to and from school is available for all students. Please call the school to ensure you are added to the bus route. 


Announcements are at 9:00am. School wide announcements and O’Canada are broadcast throughout the school during this time.



School newsletters will be sent home at the beginning of each month. These newsletters will include a monthly calendar with special events noted and the lunch menu. Additional announcements will be put on the school Facebook page.



The telephone in the main office is for business use only and is only to be used by students in the case of emergencies. Staff will take messages for students in the event of a family matter.



The school is equipped with security cameras for personal safety and the safety of belongings. Activity throughout the building and the school grounds is recorded by the cameras and saved to a hard drive.



We request that all visitors to the school, including parents, siblings, volunteers, friends and anyone else who is not a student or staff member at UHRS, report to the office and sign in immediately upon entering the building. Visitors are also requested to sign out at the office upon leaving the building. Due to covid-19 visitors may not be permitted.


Busses are cancelled by the school division if the air temperature is -40 or colder, the temperature with the wind chill is -48 or colder, or the road conditions are not safe for travel. Bus cancellations will be communicated through the FVSD website as well as the school Facebook page by 7:00am.

Extracurricular events are cancelled during these days. If the bus does not run in the morning, it will not run in the afternoon; therefore parents must arrange for their children to be picked up.

Please inform the school, upon registration, of any health-related information regarding your son/daughter. It is necessary for us to know about the diagnosis and the immediate treatment if we are to respond wisely given any emergency situation. If your son/daughter requires medication, he/she must bring a supply from home and a form must be filled out by the parents. Such items can be stored in the main office and upon parental request will be administered by school administration.

At Upper Hay River School we have a hot lunch program for the students and each month we print a calendar that contains our menu for the month. If there is an item on our menu that your child does not want to eat please send them to school with a lunch. 

During the 2020/2021 school year, lunches will be eaten in the students’ classroom.


Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom. Fire drills are conducted a minimum of 4 times during the year. Students are strongly encouraged to wear indoor footwear at all times in the event of a drill, a fire or an evacuation.



A lockdown is used when there is an emergency situation in or around the school.

If a lockdown is announced, students are to remain in the classroom, follow the instructions of the adult(s) and remain quiet. If a student finds himself/herself in the hallway, he/she should go to the nearest classroom. Only the principal or acting administrator can call or end a lockdown.

Alternatively a code ‘quiet hallways’ may be used when students are permitted to continue as normal in their classroom, but cannot be in the hallways.  This may be used in the case of a medical emergency, to respect the dignity of an individual or in the event of an environmental hazard.

Upper Hay River School welcomes parents! We appreciate the efforts of those who offer their services as volunteers for curricular or extracurricular events happening in the school.

Please call the school or contact your child’s teacher if you would like to become involved with us in any manner. If you wish to volunteer, FVSD requires a Vulnerable Sector Check from the RCMP and an Intervention Record Check from Child Services. 


  • Make sure your children attend classes regularly, arrive at school on time, and do their homework.
  • Inform the school of the student’s absence as soon as possible by either calling the school or sending a note with the student immediately upon his/her returns to school.
  • Attend school events, support the school and stay in contact with school staff.
  • Help your children develop positive attitudes to school and respect the staff and school property.
  • Attend Parent/Teacher interviews.
  • Show common courtesy and respect to all.
  • Treat all individuals respectfully regardless of race, religion, gender, age or sexual orientation.
  • Encourage the peaceful resolution of conflict.

Should there be a concern:

  • Talk to your child’s teacher about the concern.
  • If unresolved bring the concern to the Principal.
  • If the problem remains, then contact the superintendent.
  • If the concern is not resolved at the superintendent level, then contact the board of Trustees.



In keeping with School Board policy, a School Council is established early in the school year. Parents play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning. By contributing knowledge, perspective and ideas at school council meetings, parents actively contribute to the success of the school community.

Parents of students enrolled in the school must make up the majority of the school council. School councils may also decide to include one or more parents of children enrolled in an Early Childhood Services (ECS) program at the school or other individuals who have an interest in the school.

All stakeholders at UHRS are encouraged to attend the monthly school council meetings. Our monthly newsletter will contain the dates and times.


This initiative serves to develop and provide opportunities for students to provide leadership in a number of areas. The group will work hard to make the year as enjoyable as possible for all students by planning and organizing various fun activities, fundraising activities and planning for other initiatives throughout the year. They may also represent the students in addressing school issues, the concerns will be brought forward to school administration and Parent Council. All interested students are encouraged to participate.



Upon the first day of classes, all Junior and Senior High students will receive a course outline and evaluation guide for each course. The course outline will explain what topics will be covered, how they will be assessed, as well as other important information necessary for successful course completion.



Teachers will engage in ongoing assessment of the students’ progress with the curriculum to support learning. This information will be communicated to parents formally and informally through report cards, parent/teacher interviews as well as other appropriate methods.

The FVSD Evaluation guideline is based on the following principles:

  1. Grades need to be an accurate reflection of the students’ achievement.
  2. Grades need to be meaningful and reflect specific learning goals.
  3. Grades need to be consistent across teachers.
  4. Grades need to support learning that values the quality of learning.
  5. Assessment needs to incorporate a balanced approach with a variety of types.



Every student and parent has the right to appeal the final mark granted to the student in each course. Marks or grade placements must be appealed to the Principal in writing within five days of the marks being received by the student. If a student or parent is not satisfied, further appeals may be made firstly to the Superintendent of Schools, secondly to the School Board, and ultimately to the Special Cases Committee of Alberta Education.



Staff will be available to help students plan their educational journey. Parents are encouraged to be part of this process. Please contact the school to set up a meeting to discuss your child’s education. Support will be provided regarding course selection, applying to post secondary and securing funding.


At Upper Hay River School, our students have the opportunity to earn Taches for appropriate behaviour at our school. This Student Recognition Model acknowledges the positive things our students do, and every student benefits! The categories are:




C-aring and Compassion

H-onour and Respect

E-veryone Can Learn


The Taches are accumulated and monthly draws take place at our Student of the Month assemblies where students win various prizes/gifts/incentives. 



  • Attend school regularly and on time. 
  • Strive to do your best.
  • Show common courtesy and respect to all.
  • Solve conflicts peacefully through discussion or seeking help.
  • Dress appropriately for the school environment.



The school’s primary goal is to provide a safe and positive learning environment for everyone. The Code of Conduct defines expectations for students.  Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be based on the context of the situation and the individual.  In dealing with situations that arise, school staff will address students in a manner that allows them to learn and grow from the conflict. Parents will be kept informed of serious infractions, as they are important partners in supporting positive behavior. 



All Junior/Senior High will be provided with a locker. Students should note that although lockers are the property of the school, any damage to them may be charged to the occupant of the locker.

Conditions for locker use are as follows:

  • If lockers are to be secured with a lock, it must be one supplied by the school.
  • The school reserves the right of entry at any time without the student’s permission.
  • Use only your assigned locker.
  • DO NOT give your locker combination to others.



Smoking is not permitted in the school or on school property nor are students to be in the possession of tobacco, vaping or cannabis products.



Students should dress appropriately for the school environment. Students may be sent home if their attire is inappropriate, such as too revealing or displaying inappropriate messages. 

To keep a clean building and support our custodians it is suggested that students have indoor and outdoor footwear. Anyone entering the building will be asked to clean or remove wet/dirty footwear.



The responsibility for the safekeeping of personal property rests with the owner of the property. Students are advised to keep their personal belongings in their locked locker. Schools do not carry insurance covering the loss of personal property. Although the school is not responsible for the recovery or replacement of lost or stolen items, school personnel will appropriately investigate all reports of missing personal property.



Attending school regularly and punctually is part of the School Act. Regular school attendance is a major factor contributing to student success. The responsibility of regular attendance lies with the student and the parent/guardian. 

If a student is absent for illness, medical or other reasons, parents/guardians are expected to communicate this information (phone call or signed note) to the school before 8:45 am. If there is no contact, the student will be recorded as having an unexcused absence.



In grades K-6 homework will include reading for 15 minutes nightly, reviewing for upcoming tests and quizzes as well as finishing incomplete work.  Extra work will not be assigned unless there is a request from the parent/guardian.

Junior and Senior High students have increased expectations for homework and their teachers will review what they need to complete.  If a student is having problems with the work in a subject area, they can reach out to their teacher(s). Upper Hay River School is set up on the site: 

username is fvsd.uhrs

password is sports 

The website can be accessed by any student at school or from home. 


To participate in extracurricular activities and field trips, students need to demonstrate that they are able to follow the Student Code of Conduct. Completing activities off of school grounds is a privilege which can be revoked if there are concerns that the student cannot safely follow the rules and expectations of the event. 

After discussion with school staff, the student and the parent/guardian, the Principal will make the final decision on a child’s participation.

Expectations for Extracurricular:

  • Treat staff, coaches, teammates, chaperones, bus drivers, opponents and the students with respect
  • The use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in suspension and immediate removal from the team for an indefinite period of time.
  • Students will abide by the expectations set by the coaches, chaperones and supervisors.
  • Curfew violations will not be tolerated. Violation of this expectation will result in suspension from the team(s).
  • Students must be in good academic standing, have regular attendance and display proper behaviors in order to compete with a school team.
  • Students are responsible to complete missed work when traveling with a school team.



Cell phones or portable music devices are not to be brought to class unless requested by the teacher. If a student is caught using their cell phone, iPod or mp3 player during class time, it will be confiscated and turned into the office.  It may be returned to the student after school. A second or any future violation of this policy will result in confiscation of the device until a parent meeting can be completed.