Shane Lloyd
WARD 2 Trustee - High Level
FVSD has three main priorities: Numeracy, Literacy and Connectivity. Speaking to these priorities – what are your goals for our schools?
I truly believe that anything we can do to support Numeracy, Literacy and Connectivity is critical to making a difference for all children. Everyone learns differently and we need to support all children in achieving their goals and providing them with the best opportunities. We can and need to constantly strive to achieve the best for the children in our region. Living in the remote North is not a reason to settle for less - our children deserve to have every opportunity to reach their potential for success. Our teachers and families need the support to make this happen. We are in this together and together we will do amazing things.
How will you help advance these goals?
I will listen... I will advocate... I will persevere to make a difference for all children... I will educate myself and work with all stakeholders in the system to keep striving for better for our children.
What ideas do you have to move education forward in northwestern Alberta over the next four years?
My first focus is to build capacity with parent involvement in our school councils. Engaging our families to get involved and learning how we can support our schools will make a difference. I have been involved in parent councils since my own children started school and it has not only provided me with a better understanding of the overall school structure but given me insight on how we can provide feedback and support to the onsite leadership team and teachers that make a difference everyday.
As a Trustee, what governance issues do you hope to work on during your term?
I want to gain insight and get a better understanding of how we can have the greatest impact to support the needs of the children and overall education system in region. Feedback from families and teachers who work the frontlines is important to help inform the trustees on issues of concerns and priorities.
Tell us a little about yourself – what is your connection to the region?
I came to High Level in 1983 to work during the summer and haven't left. I eventually started my own business, got married and have 2 amazing kids who are very active in the community. I have been a volunteer for many years coaching basketball, soccer, hockey and stepping up to help out in any way I can. Our children are the future of the region. I care about our communities and making a difference.