We encourage parents to visit our school at any time. You are always welcome and we recognize that you are a vital part of our school operations.
Parents/Guardians are a vital part of every child’s education. This education starts long before children come to school in the simple forms of talking with your children, reading, playing games, and spending time with them.
Fort Vermilion School Division encourages parents/guardians to stay informed and support their children throughout their school career.
We have created a guide to help you communicate effectively with your child's teacher at Parent/Teacher Interviews with tips that can be applied throughout the school year.
View/download the document here: Making the Most of Parent/Teacher Communications
A few more ways to get involved are:
- read with your child often, ideally every day
- stay informed by reading newsletters, agendas and notes from the teacher or school
- participate in parent/teacher interviews
- attend school events and special activities
- talk to your child and show an interest in their school day, friends and favorite activities
The "we" includes all those that are directly and indirectly involved in preparing our youth for life. It also includes the students. Many things will naturally follow from the fact that we all care.
School Philosophy
Our school considers each child as an individual and will endeavour to provide an environment that will foster acquisition of knowledge, personal growth and a sense of community responsibility. In recognizing the cultural and religious uniqueness of our community, the school will play its part in providing an atmosphere where home and school are able to work together to accomplish mutual goals.
Mission Statement
Ridgeview Central School, in partnership with parents, is committed to providing a variety of learning opportunities so that all students can succeed.
Fort Vermilion School Division has developed a report card for ECS to Grade 6 that is based on Alberta Curricular Outcomes. For more information on the new report card please see the following links:
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance
For your convenience, we’ve made arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc (iA Financial Group).
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance offers protection against the unexpected costs of injury from accidents, and is especially valuable for families who:
- do not have medical or dental plans,
- have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or
- have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.
For complete plan details, please visit kidsplus.ca.
iA Financial Group is a business name and trademark of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

Cross boundary transportation will not be provided for students attending schools out of their attendance area. However, subject to space availability on the bus, students may ride to a school out of their area from a location on an existing bus route. Existing bus routes will not be modified to provide transportation services to students outside their attendance area.
FVSD Scent Aware Information
For the general population, exposure to scents is not typically problematic. However, from time-to-time, the presence of perfumes and other scented products can present indoor air quality concerns that may affect a person’s comfort. Furthermore, for a small portion of the general population, scented products may present a risk of health hazard.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions such as chemical sensitivities or sensitizations, asthma or allergies, exposure to some odours can cause a range of ill health effects. Some reported symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, and/or skin irritation.
Scented products more commonly include the following:
● Personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes, aftershaves, fragrances, perfumes, lotions, soaps, cosmetics and creams;
● Industrial and household chemicals and cleaners;
● Air fresheners, such as deodorizers, potpourri, oils and candles; and
● Various household products.
Raising the scent-awareness of our staff, students and public
Employees, students, and visitors will be informed of this guideline through signs posted in Fort Vermilion School Division #52 schools and buildings, website information, newsletters, and healthy workplace promotional materials.
Minimizing the use of, and exposure to, scented products
● Persons entering our schools and buildings will be encouraged to use scent-free products.
● Wherever possible in our schools and buildings, scent-free products should be used. The purchase and use of “unscented” products will be preferred over scented substitutes where possible. This will involve a review of Material Safety Data Sheets for commercial products currently used and those intended for use, as well as examination of product samples to ensure that the ingredients are unscented.
● Health and Safety 2016 Revision
● Wherever possible, maintenance, renovation, etc. with which an “atypical” odour is associated should be scheduled to occur at times of reduced occupancy.