Will your child be starting Kindergarten at Sandhills Elementary in September 2025? Stop by the school office February 18-21 from 9 AM to 3 PM to register!
Children MUST be 5 years old on or before December 31, 2025 to register. The following pieces of identification are required to complete the registration:
- Birth Certificate OR Canadian Citizenship
- Alberta Health Care Number
- Current street address (ex. 10202 94 Ave) OR rural 911 address (green road sign)
NEW this year, families now have the option of completing registration forms online! Required documentation can be uploaded with the registration form or dropped off at the school office.
Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Sandhills Elementary School is a safe, fun place where our minds and bodies grow! Our staff is committed to providing students with the best quality education and instruction possible. We are proud of the successes of our students, especially the tremendous growth in reading, writing and math that students experience each year. Building a strong foundation of literacy and numeracy in the early years is important for lifelong learning.
Sandhills is a school of approximately 350 students and 50 staff. We have 6 kindergarten classes, five grade one classes, five grade 2 classes, and four grade 3 classes. We believe that all children should have opportunity and be successful in their learning. In order to make this happen, we offer a number of programs in the school to target literacy and numeracy, such as interventions, primary literacy support and English as a Second Language (ESL) programming.
At Sandhills Elementary School, we have a hard-working, caring and fun staff team that works together and is focused on students. Please do not hesitate to visit, call or email if you want to touch base or have any questions or concerns. On behalf of the staff, we are looking forward to building positive relationships with students and their families. We wish you all a rewarding and memorable year filled with new learning experiences and opportunities!
Sandhills Teachers 2024-2025