School Directory

A safe, fun place where our minds and bodies grow!

Welcome to Sandhills Elementary School. Currently our school has 334 students and 47 staff. We are located in the town of La Crete.


Mrs. Wendy Morris, Principal

Mrs. Julie Gallant, Assistant Principal/Inclusive Ed. Coordinator


Mr. Tim Driedger

Mr. Benjamin Friesen


Sandhills Elementary School is a safe, fun place where our minds and bodies grow.

Written by the Students of Sandhills


At Sandhills we will strive to ensure the success of all students through our efforts to develop relationships and connections with the school community.


We at Sandhills Elementary School are committed to helping students be the best they can be, so they feel happy about, and proud of who they are and what they do.

For the general population, exposure to scents is not typically problematic. However, from time-to-time, the presence of perfumes and other scented products can present indoor air quality concerns that may affect a person’s comfort. Furthermore, for a small portion of the general population, scented products may present a risk of health hazard.

For individuals with pre-existing conditions such as chemical sensitivities or sensitizations, asthma or allergies, exposure to some odours can cause a range of ill health effects. Some reported symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, and/or skin irritation.

Scented products more commonly include the following:

● Personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes, aftershaves, fragrances, perfumes, lotions, soaps, cosmetics and creams;

● Industrial and household chemicals and cleaners;

● Air fresheners, such as deodorizers, potpourri, oils and candles; and

● Various household products.

Raising the scent-awareness of our staff, students and public

Employees, students, and visitors will be informed of this guideline through signs posted in Fort Vermilion School Division #52 schools and buildings, website information, newsletters, and healthy workplace promotional materials.

Minimizing the use of, and exposure to, scented products

● Persons entering our schools and buildings will be encouraged to use scent-free products.

● Wherever possible in our schools and buildings, scent-free products should be used. The purchase and use of “unscented” products will be preferred over scented substitutes where possible. This will involve a review of Material Safety Data Sheets for commercial products currently used and those intended for use, as well as examination of product samples to ensure that the ingredients are unscented.

● Health and Safety 2016 Revision

● Wherever possible, maintenance, renovation, etc. with which an “atypical” odour is associated should be scheduled to occur at times of reduced occupancy.