Alberta Education Invites Feedback on K-6 Draft Curriculum

Albertans now have the opportunity to participate in virtual information and engagement sessions being held around the province until February 28, 2022.
Sessions will include focused, small group conversations facilitated by independent engagement specialists. During each session, the draft K-6 social studies design blueprint or one draft K-6 subject will be considered and discussed so Albertans can share their local insights and unique perspectives. (Source: Alberta News Release - Jan 26, 2022)
This spring, the Alberta government will carefully consider feedback received from all engagement opportunities and classroom piloting. This valuable input will be used to finalize the social studies design blueprint, develop the corresponding draft social studies curriculum and further revise all subjects in the draft K-6 curriculum.
With the recent appointment of Superintendent Mike McMann to the Alberta Curriculum Implementation Advisory Group, and being one of the few divisions piloting parts of the draft curriculum, Fort Vermilion School Division and FVSD families are in a unique position to offer feedback based on first hand experience.
Read more about the Draft K-6 Curriculum here:
Read the full K-6 curriculum on New Learn Alberta:
Complete the online survey by the end of February: K-6 Draft Curriculum Online Survey