New Report Card for Grades 4 to 6

In our efforts to better communicate student achievement with our parents, the Fort Vermilion School Division has developed a report card that is based on Alberta Curricular Outcomes. Outcomes describe the specific knowledge, skills, and understandings that students are expected to reach by the end of a particular grade level.
The goals of an Outcomes-Based Report Card are to:
- Provide parents with a clear description of their child’s learning
- Improve communication to parents about the student’s achievement relative to provincial expectations and learning outcomes
- Contains clear learning targets for students, teachers, and parents
Why move towards a new reporting format?
The Fort Vermilion School Division is part of the pilot program for the new Draft Curriculum in the subject areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education & Wellness (our 3 Division priorities.) It was necessary to make changes to the existing Report Card and the new format for Grades 4-6 follows the existing Outcome-Based format that has previously been used for students in Grades K-3.
How will you know what your child’s achievement levels are?
In the new report card, you will see the Subject area, the main Organizing Idea and then the Outcomes that your child will be expected to learn. Student learning is reported using Academic Achievement Indicators that describe how well the student has met the key learning outcomes. The new report card will still report achievement on a 1-4 scale; however, we have further defined what each number means in order to really understand your child’s progress.
Kindergarten to Grade 6 - Academic Achievement Indicators |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
The student demonstrates
The student demonstrates an inconsistent and/or partial understanding of the learner outcome.
The student demonstrates
The student demonstrates an understanding beyond the |
These academic performance indicators will replace the traditional percentage marks out of 100.
The rubric above is intended to give you a clear understanding of the level of your child’s achievement. They may not be assessed on every essential outcome each reporting period, however each outcome will be assessed at some point throughout the course of the year.
We will be asking for feedback from students, parents, and teachers throughout the implementation year to determine what changes may be necessary to improve our communication of your child’s achievement to you.
If you require more information or have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or school principal.