School Directory

Welcome to FMCS!

We are so happy you are joining us! If we can help you with adjusting to a new school community in any way please let us know. 

*FMCS is also known as 'FloMac' in the local community.

boy sitting in a classroom and smiling for the camera

As a Staff we are often asked for ideas about ways that Families can get involved with their Child's Education. Here are some ideas we would like to share:

  • Read together every day (bedtime, bathroom, in the vehicle, at the rink, out camping - wherever and whenever)
  • Let your child see you reading for enjoyment
  • Ask about your child's day
  • Read agendas
  • Volunteer at school (we can always use an extra hand!)
  • Do things with your child and talk about  what you are doing, label things (great for vocabulary and language skills!)
  • Attend parent teacher interviews
  • Sing songs together, learn nursery rhymes, make up songs
  • Play word or number games together in the car
  • Cook together
  • Attend Parent Council meetings
  • Share your concerns with us
  • Provide healthy snacks and lunches for school
  • Allow your child the opportunity to make their own lunch
  • Help your child to get a good nights' sleep and plenty of fresh air
  • Talk positively about school
  • Give them a diary or journal and give them time to use it
  • Help your child email or write letters to friends or family
  • Vote in School Trustee elections
  • Draw pictures together
  • Teach them games you played as a child
  • Attend School special events
  • Play outside together
  • Get to know their friends
  • Give your child age appropriate chores
  • Allow children to make mistakes and to figure out a solution

For some more ideas please take a peek at the two articles below. Both are from ABC Literacy Canada resources and are full of great ideas.

Family Literacy Tips - A to Z      Celebrate Family Literacy Day

Literacy at FMCS

At FMCS we are very focused on not only teaching our students to learn to read, but helping them to develop a lifelong love of reading as well.

  • Comfortable Student Reading Nooks
  • Read with the Principal Program
  • Daily DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Time
  • School Literacy Team
  • All teachers certified in and practising current methodologies including the Balanced Literacy Program
  • Language Arts Focus  in class activities
  • Participation in events such as the Guiness Book of World Records Reading Challenge
  • Virtual Author Visits
  • Virtual Guest Readers
  • Intervention Programs

The Teacher's College Reading & Writing Project has developed a YouTube channel to support parents with literacy. Click on the link below for some great reading, writing and phonics videos!

Pre-K to Grade 2: Family Videos