Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Visitors,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! A new school year is always a time of great excitement and anticipation. As a staff we are excited about working together as a school community to achieve our school goals.
Buffalo Head Prairie School continues to offer a strong overall program for students. Our student learning results indicate strong growth in the priority areas. Staff will continue to learn and grow in the priority areas of connectivity, literacy, numeracy, and a focus on careers to create meaningful learning opportunities for students. As we consider the practical application that will be required of students to navigate themselves responsibly in today’s society, we have some tremendous challenges ahead of us. Buffalo Head's School Assurance Plan outlines the strategies that will be used to address jurisdictional and school goals. This plan was developed by all members of our school community and demonstrates an investment of educational energy by all parties.
Parents play a key role in a child’s education. We thank parents for being an involved, caring, and supportive group of people that genuinely care about the children and staff at Buffalo Head Prairie School.
As a school staff, we will work with determination to help your children learn and grow this year. Please feel free to contact myself or our assistant principal, Mrs. Peters, should you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.
Mr. C. Fehr
Principal, Buffalo Head Prairie School