School Information
REACH for Success!
Welcome to the Buffalo Head Prairie School! We are a rural, K-9 school located in Northwestern Alberta.
John Zacharias, Ward 7 Trustee
EBS stands for Effective Behaviour Support, a system designed to enhance school behaviour management and thereby positively impact school climate. Each school that implements this program is required to develop an acronym that encapsulates what the school is striving to instill in its students. At Buffalo Head Prairie School, our acronym is REACH.
R - Respect: Respect the people around you, yourself, and the building.
E - Excel: Do your best at all times.
A - Accountable: Be responsible for yourself.
C - Community: Work together to have a good place to live.
H - Honour: Do the right thing even if no one is looking.
REACH truly has become who we are. The REACH attributes are attractively displayed throughout the school. REACH is addressed by school staff regularly in the promotion of developing positive behaviour supports.
FAQ About Buffalo Head Prairie School
Where is Buffalo Head Prairie?
Buffalo Head Prairie is located about 20 km south of La Crete on Highway 697.
When was Buffalo Head Prairie School first open?
The school was first built in 1953, about 1.5 km east of where it stands now. BHPS built a new school in 2005.
What grades are in BHPS?
Buffalo Head Prairie School is a Kindergarten to Grade 9 school.
How many staff work at BHPS?
There are currently 14 teaching staff, 10 support staff, and 2 custodians employed at the school.
How many students go to BHPS?
There are currently 236 students attending Buffalo Head Prairie School.
School Vision.
We strive to:
1) Positively impact the number of students reading at or above grade level
2) Increase and improve relationships and connections between all members of the BHPS community.
Our Mission.
To be a caring and collaborative school community, fostering responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
School Motto.
REACH for Success.
What does REACH stand for?
R- Respect – Respect the people around you, yourself, and the building.
E- Excel – Do your best at all times.
A- Accountable - Be responsible for yourself.
C- Community – Work together to have a good place to live.
H- Honour – Do the right thing even if no one is looking
Does the school close for cold or snow days?
No. Busses do not run under severe weather conditions, -40 or icy road conditions. The school, however, is still open. Parents are made aware by telephone if the busses will not be running.
What extra-curricular activities are offered?
There are numerous extra-curricular and sports programs offered at the school, these change from year to year.
Can parents stop in at the school during school hours?
Parents are welcome to stop in at the school office to ask questions, or to drop off/pick up students.
What is available if my child needs specialized programming?
Supports are provided for all students with special needs, some through the pull out program, and others through the in class programming. We focus on inclusion of students with special needs wherever possible.
2022/23 Pre-ECS & 2023/24 Kindergarten Registration
Buffalo Head Prairie School (BHPS) offers a Pre-ECS program to help orientate parents and children to Kindergarten. If you live in the BHPS area and are planning to send your child to Kindergarten in 2022/23 you may wish to consider enrolling your child in this program. Please call the school at 780-928-2282 for more information or to register your child.
These student registrations provide us with preliminary Kindergarten registration information, which we need to begin planning for the 2023/24 school year. Therefore, if your child will be attending Pre-ECS this year or Kindergarten next school term, we ask that you contact us with their registration information. To register it is required that you bring in your child’s birth certificate, Alberta Health Care number, and the rural address of your residence. Thank you for your assistance in helping us be well prepared for the upcoming school year.
BHPS is a Scent Aware Building. Please use caution when wearing scents.
For the general population, exposure to scents is not typically problematic. However, from time-to-time, the presence of perfumes and other scented products can present indoor air quality concerns that may affect a person’s comfort. Furthermore, for a small portion of the general population, scented products may present a risk of health hazard.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions such as chemical sensitivities or sensitizations, asthma or allergies, exposure to some odours can cause a range of ill health effects. Some reported symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, and/or skin irritation.
Scented products more commonly include the following:
- Personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes, aftershaves, fragrances, perfumes, lotions, soaps, cosmetics and creams;
- Industrial and household chemicals and cleaners;
- Air fresheners, such as deodorizers, potpourri, oils and candles; and
- Various household products.
Minimizing the use of, and exposure to, scented products:
- Persons entering our schools and buildings will be encouraged to use scent-free products.
- Wherever possible in our schools and buildings, scent-free products should be used. The purchase and use of “unscented” products will be preferred over scented substitutes where possible. This will involve a review of Material Safety Data Sheets for commercial products currently used and those intended for use, as well as examination of product samples to ensure that the ingredients are unscented.
- Health and Safety 2016 Revision
- Wherever possible, maintenance, renovation, etc. with which an “atypical” odour is associated should be scheduled to occur at times of reduced occupancy.

BHPS library is open for students, staff, and parents to use during school hours. Parents are encouraged to look at books their children read. This will help them understand their child's reading interests, and they will be able to help their children select materials that ensure reading skills improve. It will help the school weed out inappropriate material that may have slipped through the screening process. It will ensure that overdue books are kept to a minimum.
We expect students to handle all library materials with respect and care at all times. If materials are lost, stolen or damaged, students will be held responsible to the degree outlined below:
Unintentional damage or loss: fairly new or new - 2/3 of replacement cost.
Willful damage or theft - replacement cost.
Note: It is important that books are signed out when they leave the library.
Reading Club
Lego Club
Terry Fox Run
Iron Chef - FVSD
Remembrance Day Program
Operation Christmas Child
Turkey Shoot
Christmas Concert
Winter Carnival
Art Gallery
Spring Concert
Shinny Hockey
X-Country Running
Track and Field