Parents and Guardians really are a crucial part of every child’s education. Education begins first at the home long before children come to BHPS.
At BHPS we value and welcome parents ideas, concerns and voices and believe that a students education is a partnership between the school and the home. We encourage parents to become an active member in the school and its direction in the future.
Parents/Guardians are a vital part of every child’s education. This education starts long before children come to school in the simple forms of talking with your children, reading, playing games, and spending time with them.
Fort Vermilion School Division encourages parents/guardians to stay informed and support their children throughout their school career.
We have created a guide to help you communicate effectively with your child's teacher at Parent/Teacher Interviews with tips that can be applied throughout the school year.
View/download the document here: Making the Most of Parent/Teacher Communications
A few ways to get involved are:
- read with your child often, ideally every day
- stay informed by reading newsletters, agendas and notes from the teacher or school
- participate in parent/teacher interviews
- attend school events and special activities
- talk to your child and show an interest in their school day, friends and favorite activities
Fort Vermilion School Division has developed a report card for ECS to Grade 6 that is based on Alberta Curricular Outcomes. For more information on the new report card please see the following links:
Student Reporting - Parent Information Letter
FVSD Parent Guide to Reporting Student Achievement
Registration Form
In order to register a child to attend Buffalo Head Prairie School, parents are asked to contact the school office at 780-928-2282. Upon calling, a meeting will be arranged in order to take in important student and family information. You will be asked to provide your child’s Birth Certificate, Alberta Health Care Card and your rural address at the time of registration.
2022-2023 Student Registration Information
Continuing students DO NOT need to register each year, they will automatically be enrolled for the upcoming school year.
Registration Requirements
Please make sure to include the following information with your child's registration form:
- Proof of Identification/Citizenship
- Canadian Birth Certificate
- Status Card from Indian & Northern Affairs Canada
- Canadian Citizenship Certificate
- Adoption Certificate
- Passport
- Visa or
- Permanent Resident Documents - Proof of Citizenship for Foreign Born Students
- Canadian Citizenship Card
- Permanent Resident Card
- Parent/Guardian Canadian Work Permit
- Parent/Guardian Canadian Temporary Resident Permit
- Parent/Guardian Student Study Permit or
- Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement of Convention of Refugee Claim - Physical Address & Mailing Address
- Urban Residents please provide your street address
- Rural Residents please provide your rural address - Current Contact Numbers for Parents/Guardians & Emergency Contacts
We look forward to another year with the students of BHPS! To view the supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year, please click the link below:
Please take time to browse through our Parent & Student Handbook below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
View student attendance and marks. If you don't have a PowerSchool account then ask your school secretary about setting one up.