About Hill Crest Community School

Hill Crest is a wonderful little country school. Located in the middle of a grain field in the Mennonite farming community of Blumenort. Halfway between La Crete and Fort Vermilion, we are the epitome of a rural school.
Most of our 186 Kindergarten to Grade 9 students are farm kids with a strong work ethic and proud heritage. Our dedicated staff ( 13 teachers, 6 Education assistants, 3 support staff, 1 student wellness coach, 2 custodians, 6 bus drivers) is a diverse group from all over the country who take pride in the school and the good we do for children.
Teacher at Hill Crest enjoy strong parent support. We are respected as professionals as we respect parents for the tough job they have raising children. We attempt to support one another in our quest to raise healthy young citizens.
The mix of hardworking students, dedicated & professional staff, and supportive parents results in strong student achievement. Our students fair very well in academic endeavors as well as athletic pursuits, and most importantly, in life.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or student, Hill Crest Community School is a great place to be. I hope you find our little corner of cyberspace useful and informative, Should the information you are looking for not be within these pages, please do not hesitate to contact the school. We are here to serve.
Providing the best possible education for all students attending our school
Vision: A respectful learning community
All students can learn and take ownership for their learning.
All staff are responsible and accountable for student learning.
Parents play an important part in student learning.
Good school discipline facilitates student learning.
1. Hill Crest Community School will provide a solid core program in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
2. All students will have opportunity to achieve to their maximum potential.
3. High academic standards will be set for all students.
4. Instruction will be based on clearly defined learning objectives/outcomes.
5. Students will develop socially acceptable behaviour and respect.

Cross boundary transportation will not be provided for students attending schools out of their attendance area. However, subject to space availability on the bus, students may ride to a school out of their area from a location on an existing bus route. Existing bus routes will not be modified to provide transportation services to students outside their attendance area.
FVSD Scent Aware Information
For the general population, exposure to scents is not typically problematic. However, from time-to-time, the presence of perfumes and other scented products can present indoor air quality concerns that may affect a person’s comfort. Furthermore, for a small portion of the general population, scented products may present a risk of health hazard.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions such as chemical sensitivities or sensitizations, asthma or allergies, exposure to some odours can cause a range of ill health effects. Some reported symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, and/or skin irritation.
Scented products more commonly include the following:
- Personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes, aftershaves, fragrances, perfumes, lotions, soaps, cosmetics and creams;
- Industrial and household chemicals and cleaners;
- Air fresheners, such as deodorizers, potpourri, oils and candles; and
- Various household products.
Minimizing the use of, and exposure to, scented products:
- Persons entering our schools and buildings will be encouraged to use scent-free products.
- Wherever possible in our schools and buildings, scent-free products should be used. The purchase and use of “unscented” products will be preferred over scented substitutes where possible. This will involve a review of Material Safety Data Sheets for commercial products currently used and those intended for use, as well as examination of product samples to ensure that the ingredients are unscented.
- Health and Safety 2016 Revision
- Wherever possible, maintenance, renovation, etc. with which an “atypical” odour is associated should be scheduled to occur at times of reduced occupancy.